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Board of Selectmen Vacancy

Posted on
August 29, 2022
Board of Selectmen
Selectman Rob Keator has informed us that increased duties at his church (he is pastor at New Life Assembly in Jewett City) have made it impossible for him to give the position the attention it requires. "I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to serve and have learned a lot," he wrote in an email,  "but my limited availability  is inhibiting progress.  Perhaps there is someone who would do a much better job than I can do right now." As with everything else he has done, we appreciate Rob's integrity, and we will miss him.

Rob will stay on until we can find a replacement to serve until the election in November 2023. According to state law, the Board of Selectmen can appoint someone to fill the vacancy. Wendy and I would like to hear from people who are interested in the position.  Feel free to contact either one of us for more information about what the position entails.  

Please email a letter of interest on or before September 7 to me at or Wendy at