The mission of the Chaplin, Hampton and Scotland Enrollment analysis and Facility Utilization Working Group is to develop a long-range plan that ensures sufficient and suitable educational facilities, in strategic locations, to serve the needs of every child in our three communities while maintaining the flexibility necessary to accommodate changes in education policy, economic conditions and enrollments. The Working Group will explore various options to achieve this mission, including but not limited to redistricting, reconfiguration and/or regionalization, to align enrollment and program needs with appropriate physical spaces in an efficient manner. With the information gathered from this study we hope to create a business plan that will eliminate redundancies, address our economic challenges, promote longevity and improve quality in our educational system. We want to thank all of you for giving up your personal time to become involved in this undertaking. We are confident it will be worth it.
Thank you, The Chaplin, Hampton and Scotland Boards of Selectmen