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Burn Permit Holders: Red Flag Warning in Effect

Posted on
April 12, 2023
First Selectman's Office
The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for all of Southern New England starting at 10:00 AM and continuing until 7:00 PM today, April 12, 2023.  A moderately strong northwest wind gusting to 35 MPH at times today combined with low relative humidity and mostly sunny skies is expected to result in very high fire danger today.  Without any leaves on trees, surface fuels such as high grass, leaves and twigs are very dry. 

Please take care not to toss cigarette butts out your car windows or do anything else that  might start a brush fire. In addition.

Also,  Even if you have received a permit from your local Open Burning Official to burn brush on your property, the permit is not valid if the forest Fire Danger is rated high, very high or extreme and you are burning within 100 feet of a grassland or woodland. This restriction is in effect today. Please abide by it!