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Good News About Town Hall from Rep. Courtney

Posted on
July 16, 2021
First Selectman's Office
Earlier this year, Congressman Joe Courtney notified me that funding of community projects (what used to be called "earmarks") would be available through the House Appropriations Committee. I submitted a request for $700,000 for renovations to Town Hall. Today, Rep. Courtney let me know that the US House Appropriations Committee has approved our request. If the Senate Appropriations Committee also approves it, which Rep. Courtney thinks is very likely, $700,000 will be available to us early next calendar year.

As anyone who has been in Town Hall recently knows, the building has a myriad of problems, structural and cosmetic. This grant will allow us to begin to address them by bringing the building into the 21st century, while maintaining its historical architecture. When the project is done, we will have a Town Hall we can all be proud of. And the paint from the ceiling in my office will no longer be falling into my coffee.

I want to note my appreciation to Rep. Courtney and his staff for making this happen. When the ink is dry, we will hold public information sessions to get your ideas about how to best use this grant.

The press release from Rep. Courtney is here