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Letters for Bond Commission re: Brook Rd Emergency

Posted on
September 28, 2023
First Selectman's Office
Please see my earlier post, Help Us Secure... There is information in it that you may want to put in your note.

Bullet points:
  • This situation is an emergency resulting from a natural disaster--a flood on 9/13
  • The flood destroyed two bridges on Brook Road, leaving six households without reliable access to work, school, etc., or from emergency services.
  • Emergency operations to provide access have already cost us $100,000.
  • Long-term solution pending new bridges will cost another $650,000 by end of OCtober 2023.
  • Scotland has had to spend 90% of its capital reserve and 25% of its undesignated fund balance in order to pay these expense.
  • Scotland has the 11th highest adjusted mill rate in Connecticut and is 147th in per capita income.
  • 94% of our taxes come from private residences.
  • To raise Emergency expenses through taxes will add 7 mills, approximately $1400 for the average residence.
  • $750,000 represents almost 12% of our entire annual budget.

Feel free to add anything else you like, but keep it brief and respectful. Send to:
Gov. Ned Lamont:, cc to
Jonathan Dach (governor's Chief of Staff): (He is the one who will actually read this if anyone does, so if the governor email bounces, don't worry)
Senator Mae Flexer:
Senator Cathy Osten:
Representative Doug Dubitsky:

And anyone else you might think has influence. Bond Commission members can be found at  But bear in mind, it's entirely up to the Governor to set the agenda for the Bond Commission.