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Party Committee Needed

Posted on
June 9, 2023
First Selectman's Office
The Democratic Town Committee in Scotland is about to become defunct. Before you celebrate this, please consider that without a functioning DTC, candidates for local office who are not Republicans or Republican-endorsed cannot be placed on the ballot unless they petition for it. And because of state laws regarding party representation, candidates of any single party can only hold a limited number of seats on any commission or board. So even if the Republican Party endorses a full slate of candidates, that will still leave vacancies.

The minimum requirements for a DTC are a chair and a treasurer. The Organizing Director of the State Democrats happens to live in Scotland, and assures me that if those two people step forward, the State party will  do most of the work required to get a slate together for the November election. The deadline is early in July, so time is short. So I'm asking any registered Democrat who is willing to take on the duties to get in touch with me at, or with Chris Pitts at

And just to be clear, yes, I am a member of the Democratic Party, and yes, this website is a town-owned site that is and should be nonpartisan. But our electoral laws require us to have two functioning parties, and we currently only have one.  We already have enough trouble filling our boards and commissions, and if there is no Party to forward a slate of candidates, it is going to get even harder for the town to function. So I hope someone will step up soon.

(And also just to be clear, when the Republican Town Committee almost fell apart a few years back, I also worked to reinstate it, and for exactly the same reasons. In that case, I was able to round up some volunteers without going public, but I have not been able to find anyone this time around.)