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RD11 Budget Hearing and Referendum

The Region 11 Budget Hearing for the 2022-23 school year will take place on Monday, May 2 at 6 pm at Parish Hill Middle/High School. The referendum will be held on Tuesday, May 3 from noon to 8 pm at the Scotland firehouse.

The proposed budget is available at the Town Clerk's office at Town Hall or at

RD11 is proposing total expenditures next year of $6,646,927, an increase of 2.14% over last year's budgeted expenditures. After various deductions, the amount assessed to the three RD11 towns would be $6,619,527. Each town pays a percentage of this amount based on the percentage of students in RD11 that come from that town. This year, RD11 had a total of 246 students (not counting students attending technical high schools, for whom the State pays). Eighty of them came from Scotland, which makes our share of the budget 29.67%, or $2,102,185. Because our percentage share of the student body is lower this year than it was last year, our assessment has gone down. If this budget passes, we will pay $137,854 less in 2022-23 than we paid in 2021-22.