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RFP for Architectural/Engineering Services--Scotland Town Hall

Posted on
November 29, 2023
First Selectman's Office


Architectural / Engineering Services
Scotland Town Hall, Scotland, CT 
The Town of Scotland is issuing this Request for Proposals for Architectural / Engineering services for the renovation / restoration of Scotland Town Hall, 9 Devotion Road, Scotland CT.
Bid Proposal Data:
Title: Scotland Town Hall Renovations
Issue Date: November 29, 2023
Bid Proposals Timeframe:
RFP Issued: November 29, 2023
Mandatory Site Visit: Thursday, December 7, 2023 10:00 a.m. – Scotland Town Hall 
Project Overview:
The Town of Scotland is planning to restore its Town Hall to a sound structural state; to restore the building envelope to address condition and thermal performance; to update building electrical, mechanical, plumbing, HVAC systems for comfort and thermal performance, to reduce carbon footprint and increase energy efficiency; to relocate the septic system; to provide handicap access to all areas; to improve daily operations for Town staff and visiting public with specific programmatic office improvements, and to provide a town meeting space for up to 40 people.
The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties shall be followed in all respects.
Scotland Town Hall is listed on the State Register of Historic Places

Project Background:

Scotland Town Hall dates to the 1840s, when a single room was constructed as a district school serving Scotland Village. In 1896, a two-story addition was constructed to house Scotland Consolidated School, and the building served in that capacity until 1963, when it was converted into the Scotland Town Hall. In 1980, a two-story vault was added. The building now totals 3,859 gross square feet on two floors, with a partial crawl space and basement.  


In 2009, a Conditions Assessment was undertaken. In addition to noting many structural and functional deficiencies, the Assessment noted broken roof trusses on the oldest section of the building. Emergency repairs were undertaken, and some exterior doors replaced. Otherwise, the deficiencies have not been corrected.


Funding for a complete renovation/restoration has been secured through awards from: The Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Projects Fund, the Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office, the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development Community Investment Fund, and the Connecticut Department of Housing Community Development Block Grant. Further funding from SHPO and other sources will be sought as necessary. 


In 2022, the Town solicited and received a contract for Schematic Design for a full-scale renovation of Town Hall. This Design will be the basis for the work solicited in this bid.


The construction budget for this project is $2 million. 

The following documents are part of this RFP and are available at the links below. The complete RFP narrative can be found here  

▫          Condition Assessment Report (2009)

·         Submit questions concerning this RFP to Gary Greenberg at by December 15, 2023 at 4 pm. Questions submitted after that date and time will not receive a response.
·        Responses to questions will be issued only as written addenda posted to the Town website ( and CTSource Portal. Updates will be posted at those locations only. It is the responsibility of bidders to check for addenda and updates on the document posting sites. Failure to respond to required updates may result in a determination of a non-responsive proposal. The Town reserves the right accept any, all, or any part of proposal; to reject any, all, or any part of proposal; to waive any non-material deficiencies in proposal response; and to award the contract of services that is in its judgment will be in the Town’s best interest. Addenda will be posted by December 18, 2023 at 4 pm.