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Special Town Meeting

Posted on
September 22, 2023
First Selectman's Office
There will be a Special Town Meeting on Wednesday, 9/27 at 7 pm at the firehouse. At the meeting, we will consider a motion to appropriate funds to the Declared Emergency Fund, which was established in 2021 to allow the First Selectman to make expenditures related to an emergency. The emergency in this case is the loss of bridges as the result of the flooding on 9/13. I don't yet know the size of the appropriation I will be requesting, but I expect it will be at least $500,000. The final amount will be in the agenda, which will be posted, along with the official notice of the meeting, on Tuesday, 9/26.

This meeting will also be an opportunity for me to provide you with information on plans for restoration of the bridges, including specifics on how the appropriated money will be spent. It will also be your opportunity to ask questions regarding the situation. I do not expect this to be a long meeting, but the actions it authorizes will be a significant part of our fiscal and practical lives in the months and years ahead, so I urge you to attend.