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Special Town Meeting September 22, 2022

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September 13, 2022
Board of Selectmen
At its meeting on 9/14, the Board of Selectmen will vote on motion to hold a Special Town Meeting on 9/22. There will be two items on the agenda: a request from the Fire Department for an appropriation of $50,000 to purchase a stretcher lift for its new ambulance, and a presentation by the Ad Hoc Committee on Interdistrict Cost Sharing. 

The Fire Department will discuss the need for the equipment, and for town funding to purchase it.  The presentation will include a detailed discussion of Fire Department finances. A vote will be taken after the poresentation on a motion to approve the request.

The Ad Hoc Committee will outline its report to the Scotland and Hampton Boards of Education, which recommends that the two Boards adopt an agreement to open and operate a cooperative elementary school for students in both towns. The proposed Hampton/Scotland Cooperative School would replace both elementary schools. It would be run by a Cooperative Commiittee made up of Board of Education members, an equal number from each town. It would be housed in one of the buildings currently in use as local schools. The decision about which building would be made by the Cooperative Committee. The Ad Hoc Committee estimates that the new school would save the two towns together approximately $1.4 million out of the approximately $4.4  million they currently spend on their schools. Scotland's share of those savings would be approximately $625,000.  The current Scotland BOard of Education budget is approximately $2.4 million.

The Town Meeting is an opportunity for residents to hear the details, to ask questions and to make comments about the proposal. After the meeting, the Ad Hoc Committee wil formally present the proposal to the Boards of Education for their consideration. Then it will be up to the Boards to decide whether or ot to create a cooperative school.

On October 11, both towns will hold a referendum on the question of whether or not the Board of Education ought to enter into an agreement like the one proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee. This vote will be advisory only; the BOE is not bound by the outcome. The purpose of the referendum is to provide the Board of Education with information about the wishes of the voters.

We hope you will attend the town meeting to ask questions and make comments about both of these issues, which are vital to the town's future.

For the agenda and meeting materials, including the report of the ad hoc committee go to