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Statement from the Board of Selectmen regarding a Cyber Attack

Posted on
November 27, 2023
Board of Selectmen
Statement of the Board of Selectmen of Scotland R1.pdf

Statement of the Board of Selectmen of Scotland, CT

November 27, 2023

When the current Board of Selectman (BOS) took office on November 21, we were apprised by then First Selectman Gary Greenberg of an online monetary transaction that had occurred on October 24, 2023, followed by a subsequent online transaction that occurred on October 31, in which a total of $279,300 was stolen from the Town of Scotland via an offshore cyber-attack. We also learned of additional unsuccessful attempts to divert town funds, which were likely related. The method utilized by the cyber attacker(s), in each instance, was done by an online impersonation of contracted vendors to which the town legitimately owed money. First Selectman Greenberg discovered the theft shortly before he left office and reported it to the Connecticut State Police on November 18, and then to the Federal Bureau of Investigation on November 21. 

Because of the involvement of law enforcement and the current criminal investigation, the town attorney was notified. The possibility of civil litigation by the legitimate vendor will be addressed if needed. Due to the existence of an open and on-going criminal investigation, we cannot provide further details at this time. We are committed to transparency and full disclosure, and we will release information as soon as it is prudent to do so. We have accepted the resignation of the town Treasurer, on November 25th, and have taken precautions in order to avoid further cyber-attacks. The precautions taken include, but are not limited to, strengthening our cybersecurity, financial procedures, and mandating cyber security training for our staff in order to prevent any similar occurrence in the future.

The current BOS campaigned on a pledge to strengthen the town’s financial condition, and address property taxes. We reiterate that commitment, though obviously it has become more challenging. We ask all the people of Scotland for their support as we work to resolve this matter and lesson the damage as much as possible. We know town residents will have many questions, these can be addressed at our next public meeting of the BOS, scheduled for December 13, and if we are able to provide more information at that time regarding the status of the investigation, we will do so.


Scotland Board of Selectman

Dana Barrow, Jr., First Selectman
Michael Gurnack, Selectman
M. Bart Laws, Selectman