To all owners of motor vehicles currently registered in the Town of Scotland that are adapted for persons with disabilities

Posted on
July 27, 2021
Tax Assessor
The Town of Scotland adopted an ordinance at the Town Meeting on May 20, 2021, exempting     certain vehicles specially adapted for persons with disabilities. The ordinance is effective for the 2021 Grand List.
The key eligibility criteria are:
  • the vehicle must be registered with the CT Department of Motor Vehicles and must most frequently leave from and return to a property located in the Town of Scotland, Connecticut.
  • the vehicle cannot be used to transport any individual for payment.
  • the vehicle may be an ambulance-type vehicle or a specially adapted motor vehicle used to transport a disabled person. Modifications to the motor vehicle may be made to provide access to a disabled person and/or to provide the person with operational functionality of the vehicle.
  • The disability may be temporary or permanent. The application must be accompanied by a letter from a physician attesting to the nature of the disability.
  • The motor vehicle must be inspected by the Assessor prior to granting the exemption. The Assessor may inspect the vehicle at least once every Grand List year but is not required to.
Applications are due by October 1, 2021. The form is available on the Assessor's page of the town website, If you have any questions, please call the office at 860-423- 9634 or email