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Town Meeting Update

Posted on
May 20, 2021
First Selectman's Office
Just a reminder--The Town Meeting is at 7 pm tonight at the Scotland Elementary School gymnasium. Please enter through the side doors into the gym lobby. Be sure to have identification showing that you are either a Scotland resident or a non-resident taxpayer. And remember that non-resident taxpayers can only vote on budgetary matters. 

Finally,  the Governor and the Centers for Disease Control have issued guidance saying that vaccinated people do not need to wear masks indoors or observe social distancing, and that for their own protection, unvaccinated people should wear masks and maintain distancing. To address the concerns raised by this change in guidance, the Board of Selectmen has determined that seating in the gym will be arranged to allow for distance to be maintained by everyone, and the ventilation system will be set up for maximum air exchange. All doors will be open, so be prepared for cool temperatures. And out of courtesy to one another, we ask that people wear masks regardless of vaccination status.