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Winter Storm Season

Posted on
December 10, 2024
Department of Public Works
Town of Scotland Public Works Department
The winter snow season is always full of surprises. Public Works crews do their best to anticipate and deal with these surprises by gathering storm information each year and applying the knowledge gained from reviewing this information to snow fighting procedures

  • Please do not leave your vehicle on the street during snow or ice storms.
  • Please do not place snow on the streets.  Remember, you are responsible for your contractor’s actions. You may be liable for any damage to another vehicle
  • Please refrain from skiing or snowmobiling on snow covered streets.
  • Please keep a safe, minimum distance of 50 feet back from snow control vehicles.
  • Adopt a Dry Fire Hydrant nearest your house.  The Hydrant is there for your protection.  It may be a few days after a storm before they can all be cleared.
  • Please keep your mailbox 42” above the curb and slightly back from the edge of pavement and keep the post and hardware in good repair.
  • Please remove all basketball hoops for the winter months to prevent damage to equipment and reduce liability.
  • Keep trash and recycling bins at the edge of the driveway NOT in the roadway.
  • Public Works crews will respond one to two hours before it is predicted to sleet or snow.
  • Initial response will consist of salting crews to initiate a Town wide salting operation.
  • All streets will usually be treated before the start of the storm, salting will continue as needed throughout the storm event.

SAND/SALT is available at the old Public Works Garage at 12 Pinch Street for use by residents.  Residents must bring their own containers.  It is available for residents 24 hours a day.  Staff are instructed not to load private trucks or other vehicles with sand.