Board of Selectmen Special Meeting/Public Hearing

Event posted by
Board of Selectmen
05.19.2022 BOS Special Meeting Agenda.pdf
FY23 Budget Presentation - 5-19-22 Public Hearing.pdf
FY23 Budget - DRAFT - 5-19-22 Public Hearing.pdf
There will be a public hearing on Thursday, May 19, at 7 pm in the community hall at the firehouse. At the hearing, the budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year will be presented, and comments and questions taken. The hearing will also include a presentation from Santa Energy,  a company that would like to lease town-owned property on Pinch St. and Brook Rd. to build and operate solar arrays. This will be your best opportunity to have your voice heard on how the town will spend your money in the next year. This meeting will also be available online. Please attend and participate.